Crimson melodies

An easy list to all my alt characters for RP.

Lilu Aubriot

Name: Lilulu Lilu
Tittle: The Poison Queen
Age: 34
Birth Place: Ul'Dah
Residence: Shirogane
Appearance: Shorter than average, pointy ears and plain face. Blonde hair that she uses to dye pretty often. Usually smells of chemicals that she tries to hide with strong perfumes.
Job: Alchemist, merchant
Personality: Cheerful, passionate about earning money and eating chocolate. She spends most of her day thinking on new ways of earning money and loves making business with everyone. She travels around selling potions, poisons and antidotes. She's very competitive, specially with other alchemists and has great economic management skills.
Backstory: Lilu has no memories of her real family, she got adopted at a young age by an elezen family of merchants. Since she was a kid she learned the trade and not long after got interested in alchemy, where she proved to be very skilled. She made her adoptive family earn a small fortune selling potions and after the years got to join and work for the Immortal Flames, where she learned to create poisons to fight the enemy. Eventually she decided that working for the Flames wasn't her calling in life, and she decided to become a merchant once again. She stepped into the Black market where she made most of her current contacts and business, she's well known amongst people as "The Poison Queen" a tittle that makes her giggle in joy. A few years later moved to Shirogane to expand her line of work overseas. Currently is helping Noah to administrate her late husband's business and keeps her lab active, offering products to Kugane and Doma while keeping her old line of work with the Immortal Flames. She lost her best friend in war and has decided to step away from criminal activities to focus on enjoying her life and fulfilling her best friend's last will: To keep Noah safe.

Zoeh Aliapoh

Name: Zoeh Aliapoh
Age: 21
Birth Place: The Black Shroud
Residence: None
Appearance: Strong and fit despite her short height. Usually short and messy brunette hair, when it gets longer she always ties it up in a pony tail. Sometimes she dyes her hair red if she has time. She usually has a defiant look and wears dark and blue colors.
Job: Mercenary archer
Family: Noah's youngest sister, Agares mate.
Personality: Chaotic, swings moods pretty fast, going from super sweet to extremely agressive. Comes up as a pretty chill and quiet girl unless something triggers her bad side. She's very insecure and pretends to be in control most of the times when in fact she's a mess on the inside. She's very conflictive and uses to get in fights to enjoy the rush of adrenaline that comes with it. For her, family comes first always and will do anything for her mate Agares and her older sisters even if she's not good at expressing her feelings.
Backstory: She was raised by The Twin Adders and forced to study conjury since a young age, as both her sisters. Zoeh never showed interest on it and her magical skills had always been very poor. She grew frustrated comparing herself constantly to her older sister Noah and eventually ended hating her for it. She hated being her sister's shadow and decided to abandon the conjurer's guild and join the archer's guild in Gridania after she fell in love with Agares. Since then she abandoned her home town and travels the world with Agares, working as mercenaries. She dreams of starting her own tribe with him in the future. Being the youngest one of her sisters, Zoeh proves to be the most mature one despite her chaotic bad temper.

Myoh Aliapoh

Name: Myoh Aliapoh
Age: 23
Birth Place: The Black Shroud
Residence: Gridania
Appearance: Tall, very curvy shape and round face. Long dark brunette wavy hair that she finds difficult to control. Needs glasses to see.
Job: Conjurer
Family: Noah's mid sister
Personality: Calm, quiet, observant. She rocks the best fake smiles in Eorzea. You never know what's crossing her mind. She's very judmental of others and has no problems reading people's intentions. She's used to mediate between her older and younger sister. Has no interest on people, she lives for her family and job. Loves spending time outside and is a very independent young girl.
Backstory: Currently a NPC in the story. Myoh lives with Noah in Shirogane after Noah's late husband offered himself to go to the front in their behalf to keep them safe. Myoh helps her sister to deal with the death of her husband while she tries to decide if she wants to stay or go back to live once again to Gridania where she used to work at the Conjurer's guild.

Agares Astaroth

Name: Agares Tia
Age: 28
Birth Place: Desert of Thanalan
Residence: None, Tribal runaway
Appearance: Tall, strong, muscular. Long dark hair, single purple eye. Lost his right eye on a fight with his father and has a deep scar he uses to hide under a patch. Likes wearing leather clothes in black and white colors. Usually has the appearance of an innocent young man, and fools people with his smile.
Job: Mercenary
Personality: Polite, calm. His smile hides years of sorrow, rejection, abandonment and abuse by his own father... Making him a real demon on the inside. He's intelligent, manipulative, patient and sees nothing good in life. He's a real psychopath and never stops trying until he gets what he wants. He doesn't mind hurting or even killing people.
Backstory: He was born as the only Tia in his old tribe. Since a young age he was raised to become a hunter and work for the Tribe and his father, who always thought of him as less than a rat. His mother convinced him to keep Agares in the Tribe but as years passed by Agares started becoming a threat and a nightmare for his father. Wanting to keep his younger sister safe from their father's tribal abusive rules, he run away with her from their tribe across the desert. Having no knowledge of the outside world, they ended living in the streets of Ul'Dah until he got a job as errand boy and body guard for a Black Market Trader. He made the mistake of falling in love with Noah, the woman he was supossed to take care of, and soon after he got fired from the job and his sister disappeared under strange circumstances. Being left alone he seeked revenge going after Noah's youngest sister (Zoeh) and earned her trust and love just to make Noah go through hell for rejecting him and letting her husband get rid of her sister. Now he dreams of becoming the Nuhn of his own tribe with her mate Zoeh, and keeps trying to force Noah and Myoh to join them no matter what.

Crazy Coconut

Name: Coconut Conut
Age: 18
Birth Place: Southern islands, far away from Eorzean shores
Residence: None
Appearance: Short, athletic, tomboy-ish look. She doesn't care a lot about her appearance, she always has short dark hair. She rarely ever showers and smells pretty bad to dirt and dust.
Job: Errand Hunter, thief
Personality: Distracted, usually happy and mischievous. She isn't very intelligent but compensates it having great skills for hunting. She's very sincere, too much perhaps. She and her friends have no respect for other's property.
Backstory: Coco, Mango, Sassy and Tangerine are errand hunters in train. They left their tribal Lalafell tribe to travel around the world, looking for places for their tribe to move in. They like creating chaos wherever they go, stealing, taking odd jobs as mercenaries and anything needed. They enjoy living in the wild, and come and go as a group. Coco is known amongst her friends because she's the youngest daughter of a family of pig farmers. She earned her place in the tribe, proving to be as skilled as any of the male hunters. She always travels around with a little pig her mom sends her to raise... But they always end eating it.

Mika Hanaikada

Name: Mika Hanaikada
Age: 19
Birth Place: Doma
Residence: Ishgard
Appearance: Weak, sick pale, extremely tired and at the brink of blacking out constantly. She needs medication to keep herself awake. Her hair turned grey after her health got worse in the recent years. Her eyes are deep black and only shine red when she recovers her strength.
Job: Fortune teller
Personality: Quiet, calm because of her health. She doesn't trust people and uses to hide from everyone. She lives in fear and is constantly stressed about nothing and everything at the same time. Extremely paranoid, comes up as someone who isn't sane at all. Has deep desires to get revenge on the man that destroyed her life and took her away from her family.
Backstory: She was born in Doma, she was the only child of a Raen couple that worked as fishers in the city. After the Garlean invasion, her family run away from the zone and she got lost in the middle of it, ending in hands of a slaver. She got sold not long after to an old Astrologian who lived in Ishgard, who took pity on her because of her young age, and took her in as his personal maid. Mika grew inside the walls of this man's tower, unable to see the light of day. Her physical and mental health started getting worse and she decided to push her owner by the window, as chaos run wild through the city when the WoL fought Nidhogg in Ishgard. Since then she's wandered the streets of Ishgard and lives hidden, afraid that someone will ask for the old man, as she dreams and tries to find the way to take revenge on the slaver who destroyed her life years ago.